In line with its accreditation to the Green Climate Fund (GCF), The Environmental Investment Fund of Namibia (EIF) received grant funding approval for the project entitled “Building resilience of communities living in landscapes threatened under climate change through an ecosystem based adaptation approach in Namibia at the GCF 22ndBoard meeting in February 2019, and is referred to by its shortened acronym SAP006 in short.
The EbA project’s overall objective is to increase climate change resilience of productive landscapes in Namibia through implementation of ecosystem based adaption actions that strengthen social and ecological systems to sustain livelihoods at local levels and facilitate value chains of natural resources.
The Environmental Investment Fund of Namibia under the Ministry of Environment, Forestry & Tourism successfully secured funds from the Green Climate Fund (GCF) valued at Eight Million Nine Hundred and Four Thousand USD (8 ,904, 000.00 USD). In Namibia dollars is One Hundred Forty-Six Million Six Hundred Forty-Eight Thousand Eight Hundred Eighty (N$ 146 64 8880,00 million). The project will run for five years.
It is estimated that the project will benefit a total of more two hundred sixteen thousand (216000) people which is around (7.5% of Namibia's total population) people and to create three thousand funded and one (3501) sustainable climate resilient jobs.
Hon. James Uaerikua, Governor of the Otjozondjupa Region, officiated at the workshop. The Governor noted that was hopeful that EbA can also contribute to climate change mitigation by reducing the emissions that transpire from habitat loss and ecosystem degradation. “I am grateful to note that this intervention with the involvement of the key stakeholders will serve to provide the much-needed knowledge in addressing climate induced problems by implementing adaptive modes that benefit communities”.
The two-day workshop will serve as a platform for the introduction of the project to the targeted regions, project implementation modalities, familiarising stakeholders and beneficiaries with the project’s objectives, intended activities and to ensure ownership and validation of the project document.
The inception workshop is taking place from the 15th -16th October 2020 in Otjiwarongo, Otjozondjupa Region, at Cest Si Bon Hotel.