Review Committee

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The Environmental Investment Fund appoints a first-of-its-kind governance structure i.e. the “Review Committee” (RC) consisting of six (6) members. This is a sub-committee of the EIF Board’s, as stipulated in section 10 of the Environmental Investment Fund Act 13 of 2001. The RC will serve as a redress mechanism that will review, investigate and adjudicate over complaints and grievances lodged by the members of public affected by EIF’s activities such of grants and loans. Depicted in the photo above are the members to serve on the committee; FRTL: Mr. Awonke Mwellie (civil engineer), Adv. Clement John Daniels (legal practitioner), Mr. Dawid |Gawaseb (social scientist), Ms. Vesoraune Mbaha (financial and risk expert), Ms. Selma Nangolo (grants-making and development finance expert) and Dr. Romie Vonkie Nghitevelekwa (anthropologist and environmental expert), joined by Mr. Israel Hasheela (RC Chairperson EIF Board of Directors) and Mr. Karl M. Aribeb (EIF, Director of Operations).