Green Concessional Loans:
A green concessional loan is a soft lending product offered by the EIF to companies and individuals for environmental based enterprising. The features of a green concessional loan are as follows:
- Interest rates of up to prime minus 4.27%;
- Long repayment periods of up to 10 years;
- Grace periods of up to 12 months.
Loan applications are approved and rejected on the merit of individual projects (commercial viability, sustainability, and environmental considerations). Projects are assessed at three levels:
1st Round: Fund Management Committee (FMC):
Funding applications are presented for initial screening in terms of whether they meet the criteria and on completeness of the applications. The FMC then prepares the proposals for the second round of screening at the Technical Advisory Panel.
2nd Round: Technical Advisory Panel (TAP):
Subject experts assess the applications against environmental, economic and social criteria. The TAP collectively analyses the funding proposals and business plans and makes recommendations to the Board of Directors.
3rd Round: Board of Directors:
The board approves projects for funding.
A list of eligible projects for a Green Concessional loan can be found here.