EIF Grants

What is an EIF Grant?

A Grant is a financing mechanism offered by the Environmental Investment Fund of Namibia (EIF). The EIF provides such grants to civil society organizations, private sector and individuals within Namibia without regard to race, sex or region origin. The purpose of the grants is primarily to fund activities and projects that protect the fragile Namibian environment, maintain biodiversity, promote innovative approaches to environmental management, and enhance the economic development of the country. Funds are allocated by the Board of Directors towards those activities and projects that promote and are related to the overall objectives of the EIF.

Types of  Grants:

Seed Grants
Seed grants are used as a catalyst to stimulate private investment and other sources in support of initiatives that demonstrate future sustainability.  They provide financial support to institutions requiring an amount of not more than N$10,000. These smaller grants may be utilized to help institutions develop the capacity to manage and implement projects thus enabling them to apply for larger grants or loans. Furthermore, applicants that would require assistance to conduct activities that can lead to additional resource or leverage more support to an institution. 
These are mostly once-off payments to kick-starting the activities of a project. 

Project Grants
These are the normal type of grants intended for full project implementation and that range between N$ 10,000 and N$ 500,000.

Who can have it?
We believe that ensuring sustainability is everybody’s business, and for this reason, we provide investments that are tailor-made to entities’ needs, operations and growth requirements.
We invite applications from:
- Civil society and institutions
- Private sector
- Individuals


A list of eligible projects for a grant is found here.